Thursday, November 27, 2008
Black Friday, Cyber Monday and more
****In my my Etsy shop all handmade items (Christmas cards, tags, and pre-made scrapbook pages) are part of my BOGO SALE. Buy any one item and receive a second of equal or lesser value FREE.
All listed scrapbook supplies are also on sale, they are all 20% off.
****In the ebay store all commercial cards are part of the BOGO SALE. These cards will no longer be listed after this sale until next year so be sure to grab them now!
Also like the Etsy shop all other supplies are 20% off.
These sales are on now til 11:59 p.m. pst December 1st
On a completely different note, I had a great Mommy experience today. For the first time ever I spent time helping in Trevors classroom. I didn't get a chance when he was in kindergarten because of the other kids I was watching, this year with Rory home I was able to go. What a great time I had. I went with the expectation that I would be helping the teacher help the kids so I was a little surprised to find myself filing for the teacher but actually it was a blessing because I was able to listen to all going on.
The one shock I had was the lock down drill. it was the first one of the year so the kids were quite confused.
Oh what a different world we live in from when I was in school. I get why we have it but being a part of it really made me mad, to think these kids grow up thinking this is something normal.
The Christmas season is now in full swing around here and the kids have their first Christmas party on Sunday so I am really excited. I keep asking Brendan what he is going to ask Santa for for Christmas, the answer is always "a little present", I have no idea what this means but I am determined to find out!
So hopefully the lights go up this weekend, Trev has a birthday party and the Christmas party, and I am hoping this sale noted above has me hoping off my feet.
Happy Thanksgiving
Have a truly happy turkey day!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Christmas to do list

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Wow when Rory gets focused on something.....
Anyway this is the end result, I have never uploaded anything like this to my blog so I hope it works. If you click on the photo (please come back for the rest of the post) I am hoping our crazy family will start dancing for you, and yes that's the dog with sunglasses on. Ror was in a weird mood today which should also explain his facial expression.
On a completely different note I too was a little creative this weekend. I am working on my first brag book and I am really not sure what I think of it.
I am hoping to have this finished tomorrow but not sure if I will find the time. We have a showing for the house (fingers, toes, and nose crossed) and I have some custom work that needs to be completed tomorrow before anything else. So we'll see!
That's it for me today
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Holiday EtsyFest - mark your calendars!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008
I was able to get some creative things done yesterday
Thursday, November 20, 2008
True BOGO Sale for commercial cards
Here is the link
simply click on Christmas cards to see the great designs
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I have decided to take the plunge!
As I noted in previous posts I was uncertain whether to do this or not due to the economy but I am hoping that by the time I get the site up and running the economy will have taken a bit of a turn in the right direction. Probably a little bit of wishful thinking but that is my new mantra these days, positive thinking will evolve into positive results, here's hoping :)
Anyway the plan is to finish all of my Christmas card designs today and tomorrow, I am also working on some photo brag books, once I have done this I will start to focus on the new website.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A fine line for sure!
I have been trying really hard lately to explain this but it just seems to be falling on deaf ears. My husband does not believe they need to be exposed to the concept of money yet, I fiercely disagree. Rory believes that children do not need this worry. However when Trevor asked why he had to pick between soccer, hockey, baseball, bowling and swimming, the only answer I could think of was that they all cost a lot of money and we can't afford for you to do them all.
I don' t know maybe I am just rambling about nothing, but the last thing I want is to raise greedy children. Is he too young to understand all this, will he grow into it, or is this something that I should be emphasizing about as much as possible. Anybody reading this that has gone through this or understands what I am speaking of your words of wisdom would be very appreciated!! >At the bottom of this blog I have a poll I would really love if you could participate in. I am trying to determine what types of greeting cards I should concentrate on more.
Thanks for taking part, it will really help me in making decisions for next year.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Hit by the Christmas bug!!! Can I be Martha Stewart this year?
Every year I have these grandious plans to be the Martha Stewart of Langley. I want to have the most elaborate decorations, the biggest most beautiful tree, and little fairies dancing around the house, ok just kidding, but I think you get the idea.
Well what happens, life! I never find the time to complete all projects, or I take on too much and don't finish the projects like I want them to be.
So here's what I did today. I signed up for the Martha Stewart Christmas workshop, this starts today , apparently this is supposed to help organize me.
So will it happen?, well I don't know, but maybe this year I can get a little closer to my Martha Stewart Christmas, or I will again just be satisfied with happy kids, and the true meaning of Christmas.Cheers
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Wow the talent on Etsy is mind blowing!!
I decided to make this a Christmas gift feature with quite a number of different items and shops. I wasn't able to include all simply because my fingers would fire me for all the typing but I have to say that every shop that responded was amazing!

This shop features oil paintings, pet portraits, pendants and more.

Treeartist -
Currently they are offering free shipping on all purchases till November 30th.
-Collage a tiny little scene

There isn't much to say about this shop because the pictures speak volumes. Stunning work for sure. I can't imagine any woman on your list that you couldn't find that perfect gift for.
This shop is also having a great sale, Free earrings with a minimum $20 purchase. Please check with the store for further information on this sale.
Again my favorite:

Ok doesn't every little girl deserve a strawberry hat. I think they all do, or maybe an acorn hat, cupcake hat etc. The items available here are so much fun. I mean really Mary Jane booties, awesome!
Ok so finally I was dared by a fellow shopowner to feature their shop. Well I never step down from a dare, lol. I do not wish to add pictures but another shop to visit on Etsy is: (be warned they disclose mature items on their pictures)
Happy shopping everyone, only 39 sleeps til Christmas
Free shipping on all Christmas cards, ebay or etsy
Friday, November 14, 2008
Celebrating my Dad

When we found out in 2003 that he was sick it was a terrible shock. He had just turned 50 and my parents had the whole world ahead of them. Both their kids were out on their own and it was time now for my Dad to minimize his work load and travel. So you can imagine a lung cancer diagnosis was very unexpected (I guess it would always be no matter the circumstances).
My Dad had smoked almost his entire life, started when he was 14, but he did quit a couple years before finding out he was sick. His sister had passed away from lung cancer and he then decided it was time for him to quit as well.
I tried to stay positive the entire time he was ill, not sure if I was just trying to kid myself that all would be ok, I mean the man was only 50 this didn't make sense. When my oldest was born Rory and I were so happy for him that he would have all 4 grandparents because neither Rory or I did. I did imagine that Rorys Dad wouldn't be with us long just because of his age, he was 75 when Trevor was born but my Dad was 47 when Trev was born, I could actually picture my parents at Trevors wedding. I was also trying to stay positive for my Mom, you can imagine she was a mess, I mean her and Dad had been together since she was 13, he was her life without doubt.
But through all the illness and all the pain he still managed to show us just how important we were to him. He kept up with all the family traditions, tried his very best to do all he could, and instead of getting depressed (not that he didn't a bit, he was very scared) he still was an active member of the family. I know he did this mostly for Trevor, he was so proud to be a grandparent, and a BOY, oh my, he loved his girls no doubt, but someone that would play hockey, shoot pool, and all those boy things his girls didn't do, he was in heaven with the thought of the future.
In late 2004 we found out I was pregnant with our second son, Dad was getting pretty sick at this point, and I guarantee that one of the only things that kept him going was to meet his newest grandson. In May my Dad became so ill that after being admitted to the hospital we were advised to get the priest and say our goodbyes, Dad was a little mad that we didn't have more faith in him, lol, he pulled through that and was able to make it to the hospital 6 weeks later to meet his grandson. I was so proud of my Dad, Brendan was very small when he was born so he was admitted to NICU, instead of waiting for us to bring him home, my Dad packed up the wheelchair and oxygen tanks and was there the day he was born.
My Dad did not want to die in a hospital. We had a hospital bed moved into my parents room and the home care nurse would come by and administer his morphine.
November 14th, my sister, Mom, Aunt ,Uncle, Rory, and the boys were all sitting down to dinner. My Dad had gone into a coma the day before. My Mom didn't want him left alone so Tracy (sister) and I took shifts being with my Dad, it was a great time because I could say a lot of the things I had wanted to say but just couldn't before. On the night of the 14th we had convinced my Mom to sit down with us all and have dinner, I think she was on the verge of a breakdown. She listened (that doesn't happen often, lol) and we were all enjoying dinner, then Trev decided he wanted nothing to do with dinner, could he watch a movie. My sister got up to put a movie on for him when my Mom asked her to check in on my Dad......well I am so thankful that my sister got up at that time because he was leaving us and we would have missed it,missed saying goodbye. He never did open his eyes again but he was trying to say something, unfortunately it wasn't understandable. In just a few minutes he was gone. At 53 he was gone.
Three years ago today my Dad passed away. I can tell you I have learned a lot through this, but without a doubt the most important lesson is to value everyday and make the most out of your life now because none of us knows whats around the corner!
Tonight my Mom and I are off to celebrate my Dad, not sure what the plan is but I am sure it will include a toast to his wonderful life and what he brought to ours.
Love you Dad!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Unique Woman in Business group
it has proven to be a great resource of information. Advertising ideas, the newest on-line places to sell, customer relation issues and more. So if you are a unique women in business be sure to check it out.
Really neglecting my ebay store

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Clean up and decision day
A custom scrapbook, I have finished 16 of the 20 pages so this should not be a problem completing today. As well I will be working on 50 poinsettias for the 50 custom photo cards I need to get completed. Still awaiting the photo though so I do have a bit of time for this one. I would like to however have everything ready to go when the photos do arrive.
So that's the clean up now it's time for the decisions.
Currently I have both an ebay store , and an Etsy shop .
I carry scrapbooking supplies and Christmas cards in my ebay store and handmade Christmas cards, tags, scrapbook pre-mades and more in my Etsy shop. Do I continue with both or start my own website where all is included in one area. This was the goal in the first place but now with the economy in the state it is I am not sure that this is the best time to open and pay for a website. My business can handle it financially but I just don't know if this will be the most beneficial time to start such and endevour.
Anyway with the kids back in school today I am hoping I can complete most on my to do list.
Then if all goes as planned I am hoping to sit down tonight and get some personal scrapping done, the boys books definitely need some updating.
Monday, November 10, 2008
A day to remember

— Lt.-Col. John McCrae
I don't think much needs to be said today, simply remember and be thankful for all they did for us and continue to do.
Still feels like the weekend :)
While we were there my Mom phoned and asked if she could take the kids to a movie and have a sleepover, well not much thought there, a night out with my husband and no kids. Don't get me wrong, love my kids to pieces but getting to feel like a grown-up without responsibility can be fun too :)

So with a night to ourselves we decided to go for dinner and check out one of the new casinos in town. We were a little bored and were actually home by 11, gone are the days when we would walk in around 4 a.m. This was Brendans first sleepover at Grandmas, he is a little tired today but it seems like he had a great time
I have listed a few more Christmas cards and I am hoping to get a few more done today. Love if you took a look.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Really scary day yesterday....and great new Etsy shops
Rory had to go run some errands so basically the boys and I were just lounging around on a terrible rainy day. A perfect Saturday in my opinion (without the headache of course).
Then we received a call and a little panic set in. My Mom had heard that a townhouse complex on 208th street had exploded, both my sister and Rorys sister live in a townhouse complex on 208th so you can imagine the panic.
After getting through to them both we found out the complex between them was the one with the explosion. Somebody was moving out and was left a gift at their door. A pretty pink package, when he brought it into his house it exploded, not something that happens in our area EVER.
The police were looking for more bombs and haven't advised if this is a targeted thing or a random thing, I only live 1 block over myself so I am hoping this is a one time thing for sure. Anyway truly weird day for our quiet neighbourhood.
Trevor felt better which was good but it was still an inside day for us. Football games and hockey games took over the day. Hoping to get out today to make up for a complete inside day yesterday.
I also found some great Etsy shops yesterday that I would like to feature and I was able to put together a few more Christmas cards for my own shop.
Take a look at this sweet shop, I absolutely fell in love with the bears, but the cow oh my
Littlegreenshoots shop is wonderful, take a look and see if you can resist these wonderful creatures.