Happy Canada Day to all that are Canadian.
I was thinking a holiday in the middle of the week was going to kind of suck :) however I think it was great, work two days, one day off, work two days, two days off, a great schedule!
We had an excellent day today as a family. Even though I know Rory wanted to be glued to the sports channels as the free agent market for hockey opened today I think he realized just how important it was for us to spend the day together. First stop was lunch to a new restaurant (actually new to us but not the community), it was so cute, a train theme which Brendan just loved.
Then we were off to Science World (pictured above). If you are ever in Vancouver and have children I highly recommend a visit here. The kids had a blast and I love that every exhibit is hands on for them to learn. We spent about three hours there before the lights and noise started getting to Rory. We took a quick walk around the outside of Science World to take a look at the Olympic Village they are still building, looked fantastic.
We arrived home to an invitation to Rorys brothers place for a bbq and some Wii. So back on the freeway, picked up Rorys Mom and headed for a free dinner, I love free dinners :) , just kidding it was great. So all in all we had a wonderful Canada Day. The only weird thing is that it feels like Saturday, so going to work tomorrow seems strange, crazy how a small change in your schedule can put you so off.
p.s. I did some scrapping last night, so I am hoping to have a new double page layout listed on Friday. Cool in the Pool is the title.
Happy Canada Day too! Glad you had a great time :)
Happy Canada Day to you to, I hope you have a wonderful day, with love and hugs Shirleyxxxx
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