The layout can be viewed here:
Here are some pics, I would love your feedback.
Loris Place -
If you are in need of a cookie as a favor for a party, wedding, special event, or just because you deserve it then be sure to check out this shop. The cookie designs I came across here are just amazing, so detailed and vibrant.
I can't imagine anyone not being super impressed to receive such a cookie at a party.
Here are my two favorites:
I would love if you took a visit to these shops you definitely would not be disappointed.
For years now I have wanted to take a cross county road trip, across the USA. I know as a Canadian I should want to see my country but I have to be honest and say not really, lol.
I have driven from Vancouver to Winnipeg and do plan to include parts of Ontario and the Maritimes in this road trip so I have covered quite a bit of this huge country.
Now when I say I am planning you have to be aware that this is for probably just under 2 years away, given that Brendan has only just turned 4 I want to be sure that he will at least remember some of it. I have found that Trevor really doesn't have many real memories of the trip we took to New York when he was 5 but anything after that he does so I am hoping the same will be true for Brendan.
Also although I don't plan to plan every second of every day I do like to travel with itineraries, without them I just find my family goes around and around in circles. This type of itinerary will (without taking over my life) take quite a bit of time to complete and I want to be sure that we get the most out of each place we visit.
Here is the quick itinerary I have put together, now this is only as detailed as cities at this time but if you can think of any major places I am missing or any awesome places in the cities listed that you don't think we should miss I would love your feedback. I do have it ending in L.A. as we have done that leg of the trip so many times already that I believe this will be the place we fly home from, only after visiting with Mickey of course.
Niagara Falls
Quebec City
Moncton, NB
New York City
Atlantic City
Washington D.C.
Norfolk VA
Orlando Fl
Rapid City
Salt Lake City
Grand Canyon
San Diego
I will be working on an Etsy feature tonight (after Big Brother) so be sure to check back tomorrow!
So tomorrow is a big day for us. It was about a year ago when Trevor had his seizure. After having an EEG it was determined that he needed to have an MRI as well, he was put on the list and one year later here we are. It takes so long because kids need to be sedated to do the MRI and so not many can be done each day. The sedation does make me nervous so Rory asked the hospital if it would be possible to try without sedation first, we will find out tomorrow.
I had promised an Etsy artist review for last Friday and mmmmmmmm, yep not done, this is the plan for tomorrow. I also have a new card to list in my shop so depending on what time we get home tomorrow I am hoping to have it done before dinner.
Last but definitely not least my summer guilty pleasure starts tomorrow, yep that's right I am a huge BIG BROTHER fan and cannot wait to see it so I am sure over the next few weeks there may be some Big Brother chatter.