It made me sad to think of all the experiences Rory is missing out on and the experiences the boys are missing with their Dad. So we are going to take a mini step and go away for 3 days to the Oregon Coast. We did this back in 2006 when Trevor was just 4 and to this day he has always asked to go back. He has asked for this more than Disneyland or any other vacation he has been on.
We are renting a house right on the coast, the deal was unbelievable as they are still charging winter rates, so even though it is just the 4 of us, and Rorys Mom, we are renting a house that sleeps 10. Here is the house

From what I understand there are 22 steps down to the beach, they are steep so it may not work for the boys and Rorys Mom but the idea of being able to walk out the back door onto the beach has me so excited!
We are leaving on Tuesday morning (avoiding the long weekend rush) and will return on Friday. The plan is to take our time getting there and enjoying the coast along the way. It is a 7 hour drive but with all the stops I plan who know when we will arrive :)
Should be tons a fun, just hope the weather cooperates! So I probably won't be posting until I return as I have quite a bit to get done this weekend before we go so until then...
Cheers :)
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