This past weekend was a blast!
On Friday evening after realizing that we dropped Trevor onto a ballteam and didn't teach him the fundamentals I decided to spend the evening with him one on one going over all that is baseball.
He had a team practice on Thursday and I kept looking at him on this team full of kids roaring to play and just kept thinking he looked like a deer in headlights, then my own headlight or lightbulb went off. Although he had played tee-ball for 2 years they never taught him the game and neither did we, and here we (Rory and I) just expected he would know the terminology and plays, poor kid.
After about 45 minutes it started to pour, he didn't care, he just was happy to learn the game.
Saturday we kept up with the baseball theme and headed to the batting cage. Trevor has been hit by a few pitches and now has a fear of the ball, the batting cage was my way of trying to get him past that fear. I am happy to say after watching his practice tonight that I think it was a success.
On Sunday we decided to take a mini road trip to Seattle, more specifically Snoqualmie WA. The Snoqualmie falls are there and before this weekend I didn't even know they existed, absolutely beautiful sight! After viewing the falls we headed to a 50's theme diner, the food was amazing.

All enjoyed milkshakes and burgers, mmmmmmm. Finally we walked across the street to the Railroad Museum and took a ride on this old train, these cars are being refurbished by volunteers and although they still need a bit of work it was quite amazing to walk through these old cars.

Ended the day with some shopping at Target (oh I want one in B.C.) and then waited for about an hour to get through the border. It was a long day for sure but a total blast!!